Wednesday, September 29, 2004

to blog or not to blog

this all started simply because i wanted to respond to erin's blogged thoughts. now, weeks later, i don't even know what she wrote that so induced me to follow all the promptings of this site to create my own blog. alas, here i am.

i read in the redeye recently that bloggers have nothing better to do than spend their time pontificating on the most meaningless things. i will do my best to avoid such trivial matters. but i guarantee nothing. i've often found myself jumping into the way-too-deep end of life, and, god knows, forgetting to come up for air. i think the ridiculous things of life allow me to laugh. i've needed that. so i take back my promise to fend off triviality. besides, in my ecclesiastical worldview, isn't everything under the sun meaningless anyhow?

so tonight, i'm beginning my wordy diary. jump with me into the way-too-deep-end, won't you? just remember to come up for air every now and then.


At 7:17 AM, Blogger erin said...

i love you mary michelle.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger allan said...

I am glad you finally released your Austen/Kiemell brilliance to the world, rather then just hiding it in those leather bound pages you protect with such fervor. I think it is a beautiful thing for this fake world to get a dash of maryality. I am convinced that your blogging words will one day be transformed into a New York Times bestseller. And hopefully one day out sell the Bible. (I only say that because my vision is to get publishing houses to stop selling the Bible and give it away free....sorry.)
But seriously, give us your words that they may make our hearts, laugh, cry, ponder and celebrate life. And perhaps with our little posts YOU will know how much we all love you. And so on behalf of the peoples of this world and small woodland creatures, that can read (I am still convinced squirrels can read), - thank you for starting your Blog.


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