Thursday, February 02, 2006

triple espresso soy almond latte OR ...

The latest issue of Lark News examines God's will in the article, "Man seeks God's will over coffee selection." Too good not to share ...

After spending several months seeking the Lord, Brian Rutledge says God gave him the answer he sought: latte.

Rutledge's question: Did God prefer him to have a latte or cappuccino in the morning?

"I believe God is interested in the minutiae of my life," he says. "He knows every hair on my head; surely he has ideas about my actions throughout the day."

Rutledge says the coffee question bothered him for several years, and he felt guilty about being in "God's permissive will, but not his perfect will." Finally he decided to make it a matter of prayer.

"I have access to the God of the universe," he says. "Why not ask his opinion?"

He received his answer during early-morning prayer in the guest bedroom of his home. He rushed out to Starbucks and ordered a guilt-free grande latte.

"It was one of the great moments of my life," he says. "I knew without a doubt that I was in the very center of God's will."

But the relief didn't last long. Rutledge soon began to wonder if God minds if he adds sugar to his latte, and how many packets God prefers him to use, and whether Rutledge should use white sugar, unrefined sugar, Equal or even Sweet'N Low. Rutledge has made it a matter of "serious prayer" and is confident he'll receive an answer, since lately God has also helped him choose which kind of toothpaste to use, which side of the bed to sleep on, and whether to watch Hannity & Colmes at 6 p.m. or 9 p.m. •


At 4:05 PM, Blogger bwhawk said...

I wonder if such selections involve an audible voice, a fiery hand writing on the wall, or other such prophetic signs... maybe it's just a feeling of intuition into God. Also, with so many Starbucks beverage choices, it makes me wonder: What Would Jesus Drink?

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Laura said...

I adore Lark News, it's so right on, satirical but directly related to thoughts that Christians actually have, just exaggerated to different degrees.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Mary said...

yes it actually reminds me of a program i saw on tv in college where a man prayed in tongues at a best buy (or the like) to decide which TV he should buy.

but those plasma screens are real nice. i'd want to make a good decision too ...

At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so funny... but so sad to think that people really could be focusing on "living in God's will" like that when there are such bigger things to focus on.

Have a nice weekend all!

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. That must be a maddening way to live. I guess I just think God gives us a brain to use and desires in our heart, and we need sometimes, when God is silent, to discern how they fit into God's will. Just a thought.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

kudos to mr. rutlegde... i made it a point to be prayerful about growing a beard... turns out that's the reason Jesus cursed the fig tree... all it had was a puny, french stash... ya know, those really thin ones... anywho, the fuller my beard gets the richer i become... coinsidence? i think so.


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