Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Nuclear Crisis

Evidently, India and Pakistan have begun their third round of peace talks. What's on the table? Discussions of the countries' nuclear arsenals and methods to reduce hostilities over the disputed Kashmir region. Earlier attempts at peace following the October earthquake at the Indian-Pakistani border have made little impact:
An Indian offer to provide much-needed helicopters to Pakistan's quake zone was turned down because Musharraf's government would not accept Indian military pilots flying them.Even the smallest gesture - the opening of five border points where Kashmiris could theoretically cross the frontier - has been mired in so much red tape as to be largely meaningless. Just 750 people have been able to cross, officials say.
I don't get it. It frustrates me so much that all of this is going on. I find myself particularly annoyed when I hear that an agenda includes the issue of nuclear arsenals. I mean, what? I just feel like nuclear weapons are maybe the stupidest things I have ever ever ever heard of. Who is that intent on killing? Obliterating an entire region of people? Why? And if you do it, it's not like you've cleared the land for your own use. So yeah, everyone you hated is now dead but so is the land. So you destroy your own world. I just don't get it.

I was playing that nobel prize peace doves game again this past weekend and it still sticks with me. Why do we even allow 5 states to have nuclear weapons? Is it necessary for ANYONE to have even one? No. No, no, no, no, no.

Maybe someday, someone will stop inventing things like chin pumps and create something REALLY useful - like nuclear weapon interceptors that completely and forever deactivate any and all nuclear weapons in the entire galaxy.


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