Wednesday, December 21, 2005

italics stolen from karin bergquist

dear jesus,

there is talk lately among my friends about there being no hell. i suppose i don't know what to think about that. i would hope you would draw all people to yourself. i would hope i share you because i know that life is better with you.

I follow you from town to town
I need it
I'm better off when you're around
I mean it

You are the longing of my life. Did you show me that this afternoon? Was it You who allowed that to resonate in my soul?

Sooner or later
Things will all come around again
Sooner or later
I won't need anything
Anything at all

At Kopi here tonight, i dream of the bohemian life, dream of being in madison, but a madison of far greater age and racial and economic diversity even. i dream of prayer groups, and coffee talks, of not being afraid, and of falling in love.

I walk these streets alone at night
When it hurts me
A perfect life's an oversight
You curse me

Perhaps this is heaven to me. Lord, what do you know of heaven?

Should've known better
Than this esoteric love
Down to the letter
It don't mean anything
Anything at all

Father, if you see my heart, you know I have questions. You know I would earnestly like your input and direction. I know You think I'm capable of making my own decisions (though I sigh and chuckle a little at this), so I'll do my best since You have equipped me so well.

You and I

Oh Jesus. I have so many thoughts in this head of mine. I am trying to discern You in the midst.

I wrestle with these guilty thoughts
And I'm losing
You're all I am I'm what you're not

Oh who knows what's possible? While my dear, intelligent, thoughtful friends wonder about the realities of hell, I wonder if the abundant life looks anything like I thought it did. That's the thing I just can't reconcile in my faith. Here we are in the great big US of A with every possible thing at our fingertips, our every need so easily satisfied, with the promise of the pursuit of happiness our inalienable right. What about the 13000 individuals who are infected with HIV daily? Or the estimated 12-27 million in forced labor or slavery in the world today? What does the abundant life look like to them?

Sooner or later
Things will all come around for good
Sooner or later I won't need anything
Anything at all

But God, right now, all I know is I begged You for an undivided heart. And I believe that in Your extreme goodness and perfect love, You asked for my heart and I willingly gave it. You are undeniably good.

All I can do is follow You from town to town. I need it.


At 8:35 PM, Blogger Teresa said...

thanks for this Mary....a post to savor....

At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this was so beautiful... a prayer that I am trying to breath through myself this Christmas season. This Christmas is a hard time of reflecting on Courtney's death, but an unsurpassable comfort that she is in Jesus' arms as we speak. It's impossible to truly know the details of our God, but that's what I love. Stepping back and believing in the midst of awful suffering and doubt that our God knows best. I truly believe that. Can't wait to see you! Shelly

At 4:41 PM, Blogger tk said...

very beautiful stuff. thanks.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

sweet mary -
thank you for opening your heart, I love the longing that is expressed and also the conversational feel in your poem. i struggle so much with beliving in God's perfect love and grace when there is much yuck in the world. I struggled with this on Christmas eve so much , we were there ( at church) in our warm homey western methodist church singing carols - with candles,and i just hurt , like my bones hurt and i hurt inside thinking about how like you said there is aids, and pain and poverty, and then I got mad, ( still in church - still singing, still candles) I got mad because I thought if Jesus Came, which I beleive he did as God incarnate, why does everything suck, why is there still such horrible things like genocide and " fill in the blank" with your favorite imperfect thing. And then to top it off, oh my gosh Mary the sermonette was about "Hope" , all I could think was "Oh shit, and I thought I was confused before" but then a small flicker of "confused understanding " happened in my heart - not my mind -I think that every christmas, actually every day Jesus has to be born into me again, and come again, as I see both to show him to a hurt ing world and see Him in the hurting world around me. Sorry for rambling. I hope it made sense -

Now that i have finally seen your beautiful home, i pictured you on a walk with Jesus talking about all this in your neighborhood in your poem, I felt like I was eavesdropping, thanks for letting me It made my day, with so much love,

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

borrowed from Linford Detweiler/Karin Bergquist "Spark":

Obsessions with self-preservation
Faded when I threw my fear away
It's not a thing you can imagine
You either lose your fear
Or spend your life with one foot in
the grave
Is God the last romantic? . . .

Only love can turn this around
I wake up dreaming
Everything we've lost can be found
We'll wake up dreaming

And from "Born":

Intuition, deja vu
The Holy Ghost haunting you
Whatever you got
I don't mind

Secret fears, the supernatural
Thank God for this new laughter
Thank God the joke's on me

I was born to laugh
I learned to laugh through my tears
I was born to love
I'm gonna learn to love through
without fear



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