Wednesday, January 25, 2006


i'll spare you the details of my wisdom teeth extraction, but suffice it to say i'm home for the third day in a row. i finally showered today, changed into new clothes and cleaned up the family room. i've been camping on our couch for the last two nights, partly because the tv there serves as good distraction from my discomfort, and partly because erin leaves her door open for me to call to her should i need her in the middle of the night.

i must say i'll be glad when the swelling goes down. right now, it's affecting only the left side of my face and throat and has recently climbed up just underneath my eye. and i'll be happy to eat real food - i've been so hungry for a hamburger, but the swelling only allows my mouth to open so far. instead, i've gotten a whole half of a pita down and 2 cups of applesauce. the nurses like to make things seem extra peachy when they tell you that getting your wisdom teeth out means you can watch movies and eat ice cream to your heart's content. hm. if you're lactose intolerant, eating ice cream is a bad idea. sad how it always takes me until AFTER i've eaten anything milky to learn that lesson.

it's been gorgeous out here the past few days, something i only notice through my windows. perhaps i'll take a walk today just to get some fresh air. i'd really like to go for a run since jon sent me a training schedule for the 8K i'm supposed to run in april. it started on monday but obviously i've been a little out of commission.

i'd also like to be at work since there's a lot going on and i feel like i just need to be there and get through it all. our big events are not even two weeks away. but it is what it is. maybe i'll write letters. i keep checking in to see who's blogging, but as laura wrote, everyone's been away from their computers recently, so i'll have to rely on something else to amuse me in my swolleness. bleh.

that's all. just thought i'd throw an update out there. thanks for thinking of me.


oh, and as a side note. the rash and tooth WERE related. it disappeared the same day i got my surgery done. sweet.


At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Beautiful Sister,
I'm so glad to hear an update from you. I've been checking your blog to see if you'd posted any news on your surgery and post-op state. (next time i just need to pick up the phone.) I'm so happy to hear things went well. I'll talk to you soon. Love you heaps.


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