Tuesday, May 02, 2006

58 days till madison.

it's been years since i've been running. okay, that's a lie. it's been months actually, but it's felt like years. i haven't been to the gym in eons and finally made the decision today to fax in my cancellation so i can save $44 a month. i hate cancelling my membership at the Y. when i called about it, i was suddenly struck by the guilt that i'm abandoning one of the last great community centers - pillars, if you will - of our city. but though the Y's receptionist voiced (as i sensed it) her appall at my lack of support for all the underprivelaged kids of chicago, one look at my visa statement told me i'd better stick to my guns.

i am a bad budgeter. in fact, i don't really have a budget to speak of. i more or less base my spending on what i'll call "vibes." do i feel i have enough money for this? do i feel like it's time to go out to dinner? if i buy $200 worth of swimsuits, i'll give $200 away. if i go out every night for a week with friends, i'll stay in every night the next week. you might call it my "ying yang" theory of spending.

what i need is for someone to set a budget for me and give me money in cash for the week and tell me what percentage is for food, clothing, what-have-you. but i'm getting off topic. i'm not going anywhere with budgeting today. let's back up. before i came home to my visa statement and the reality of paying for a gym membership i'm not using, i was out running. i was out running because i spent $200 on swimsuits (i'm returning the majority) that arrived at my house where i tried them on and discovered that i am in no way ready for a season of skimpy-bikini-wearing-barbie-packed beaches. and so i ran.

up bosworth, down grace, and all along ashland.

i love this city.

it's getting harder to imagine leaving. and even the joys of being in madison don't feel quite as alluring as they did months ago.

i'm not ready.

my alums want to know if i'm moving for a guy. that's what they want to hear. i tell them i would never move FOR a boy, but yes, my boyfriend is there.

but that's scary, too.

i think combined with having no job, no health insurance, no car, no place to live yet, the idea that my boyfriend is under no obligation to continue to love me is a little scary. and what if i hate madison? what if i miss the city and being free as a bird with my roommates? what if i take a job that i'm overqualified for? ...

i think this stuff tends to hit me right after j leaves. because it feels like, well, it's back to being alone. and that's the temptation for me. to believe that i'm alone. that you can't depend on people to stop by at your new house, to invite you out with them, to help you get a job, to come through if everything else falls apart.

it seems funny to me then that i should find myself reading nouwen's the way of the heart about the practice of solitude, silence and prayer. i don't know why i didn't pick up a book on the joys of church or about god's intended design for community. why solitude, silence, and prayer?


i have a guess. i won't tell you because i'm still mulling it over. all i'll say is that right now when i look at those three words typed out here, the voice in my head is saying, go. be alone. be silent. pray.


At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago isn't going anywhere. You could always move back if you absolutely hate Madison. (I suspect you will love it.)

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Mary said...

thanks jennie. i know you're right. (and i can't believe you commented with only days left till your wedding!!)

At 9:13 AM, Blogger cory said...

two thoughts:

1. supporting community-based, good stuff like the Y, farmers markets, local business, etc. is really challenging and expensive. it seems to me lately that much education (reading and exploring...not degrees on the wall) is needed to make wise economic choices. in a small town like mine, it feels impossible at times, with Wal-mart squeezing out everyone else (i still have found a way around it though...it can be done) and very little locally made, grown anything. you know how wallis always says, "budgets are moral documents"? i think that the family budget is as well.

2. madison is such an awesome place to live. i am jealous of people who are fortunate enough to move there. sometimes when i struggle with a decision, it helps me to know that people are jealous of what i'm doing, so if that works for you...

At 2:17 PM, Blogger rebstar said...

mary, i know i don't know you, but i love you.

thank you once again for your words, and i think jennie said it perfectly.

i'm happy for you for your upcoming move, and i'll be thinking about you as you struggle with all the "what if's"--that alone is a great reason to "be alone [and] silent [and] pray." :)

At 5:49 AM, Blogger Mary said...

cory, rebekah, sara - thanks for that encouragement. this stuff is on my mind a lot and i'm thankful that i have your "voices" too to remind me to be encouraged still ...

thanks :)


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