my, how quickly time changes things ...
i'm at a blogging loss. i've begun and nearly finished 3 separate blogs. one about dawn, one that divulges yesterday's events, and one that talks about country music and moving to the city. but i can't pull any of them to a close.
i feel like i'm waiting.

the image you see to your right is an unfair image. my hand is actually not moving most of the time. but when i took the photo i decided to pretend i was busy. in hopes that maybe that would inspire me to write. i'm trying, people.

so when i say i like surprises, this is what i'm talking about. man, man, man. i'm like out of my mind excited. and to know that brenda is so excited, too? it's like the coolest thing. for real, i feel like blaring my music in my office and jumping up and down like a 13-year-old boy at a green day concert. wow. wow. wow.

so i won't say anything. i'll just post a photo of the flowers per sarah's request. and sit here smiling. like an idiot.
(isn't it awesome how flowers work? yesterday, those irises were just little buds and today - THIS! and tomorrow, ooh, i can't wait to see those lilies bloom tomorrow. really, how quickly things change).
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