
biologically speaking, women win.
we get amazing curves,
sexy hairless backs,
miraculous ovaries,
but just so we don't get too cocky, women get ... periods.
i don't know what it was, but the whole thing made me laugh out loud. can you imagine god being like, "hmm, she's absolutely beautiful, but to keep her humble, i'll make her uterus shed its lining"?
i mean, what?
but it got me to visit their website, which i admit i was pretty amused by. not only can you download your own period calendar, get desktop downloads (oh the possibilities of grossing out your coworkers), send e-cards, and - not forgetting any possible male visitors - a puberty education booklet for boys (with such helpful hints as "never, ever, ever use an electric razor in the shower! you could electrocute yourself.").
man, i miss sex ed.
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