finest hour

no, ms. simone's music is the kind that demands your attention, the kind you should listen to with your eyes closed, the kind that should usher out your own anxieties and worries and dance around in your head, the kind that should be really listened to. it's the kind of music appropriate for tonight.
after middle school youth group tonight, i was feeling worn out, my throat sore from the midwest's drastic changes in temperature in the past week, my head pounding, and my interaction abilities at an all-time low after a week of group activities. so while everyone else headed towards the union for drinks, i steered home in the quiet rain, eager for me-time.
typical me-time begins with candles. i am a candle-aholic. i love still flames. i love all the light just one little candle can make in a dark room. i have four lit now, two candlesticks and two pillars. i have a cup of hazelnut vanilla tea. and i have nina simone on the stereo. she's only singing out of one speaker since the other got busted in the move, but she sounds just as beautiful.
did you ever see "before sunset"? it's richard linklater's sequel to "before sunrise" with julie delpy and ethan hawke. towards the end, julie delpy invites ethan hawke up for a cup of tea, and plays nina simone. it's julie delpy's impression of ms. simone that i first see when i listen to this cd - she acts a little drunk, her arms bent at the elbow and her hands swinging like puppets from her wrists. she shuffles across the floor, murmuring a bit, lost in the music.
that's how i want to be tonight. just a little lost here under my covers, my candles lit, my tea soothing my throat, and my mind tuned in only to ms. simone.
let me know if you need a night like this. i'll send you my cd.
good night, all.
I only have one Nina Simone cd - its called 'Nuff Said" Its a tribute to Martin Luther King. I really like it. Maybe we could send each other a Nina Simone cd. That would be brill! I know her music is really deep. I think her life was really troubled and deep too. My sister Rebecca listens to her at times - Rebecca has amazing music that I have no idea about - I listen to a lot of the older music, Rebecca knows lots from today, but all that she listens to has some kind of depth - and a lot is probably very cool too - where I'm not so clued up! Rebecca had depression when she was a teenager and a bit beyond - and I don't know - there's something quite beautiful and sorrowful combined in what she went through, even though its so sad and difficult and Nina to me has a reflection of that. It fits well with hazelnut vanilla tea and candles and impressions of the scene from 'before sunset'(I've never seen that or 'before sunrise' I know Allan liked those films alot. I'll have to watch them one day!) Anyway - thanks - its good to hear that people feel a little lost sometimes and need to drift away somewhere - cause I sometimes do to. (It's funny - I stayed up late last night painting my apartment, I knew I needed that 'me time' afterwards too and I planned with what I have here - and it was to get cosy in my room, listen to a cd of "The Voyage of the Dawntredder" by CS Lewis and eat vannilla wafers and drink peach and mango juice!) I hope Nina melted and soothed away the day! Lots of Love, Beth
Mary, I just noticed you commented on my blog. I am going to be in town this weekend, although it could potentially be a busy weekend, still finalizing plans. Not sure if it would work to see you or not? It would be fun though!
On a different note, I love reading your blog. You are such a great writer. Everytime I read one of your blogs, I think, "wow, she is a good writer!" Hope you are having a great day!
you used to be such a committed blogger... what happened?
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