my heart is in the bathroom.
if you grew up in a house of girls like i did, you know there's very little that's considered "personal" space. a room can be entered on will (except during those times a door must be locked to avoid a sister who's either trying to bite or scratch your arm or whose chasing demands that you find safety behind closed doors), a phone conversation can be interrupted, and a bathroom can be equally shared no matter what the purpose of its occupants.
i love that. i love when god provides me with the kind of friends that go to the bathroom with the door open. i suppose i think of it more now because for the first time in a long time, i just don't have that.
i talked to my old roommate kat on the phone tonight. and she makes me miss chicago so much. right now, home is not where my heart is. this apartment is great, and i'm so grateful that god provided me with an affordable option that's clean and near my sister and brother-in-law and that i'm thankful that i get to share it with a great girl. but it's still not where my heart is.
my heart is in chicago , walking west on waveland home from work, listening to ryan adams' "friends" on my ipod. it's sitting on our front porch, grilling out with erin and kat and lucas. it's meeting erik for drinks at the hopleaf and talking about life. it's eating breakfast at mitchell's (it will always be mitchell's even if its name has changed) with my favorite waitress deborah talking about her bad back. it's drinking stella at guthrie's, playing connect four and ordering pizza in for me and kat while we wait for erin to arrive. it's taking the el downtown and watching people interact out of the corner of my eye. it's sipping kat's strong, bitter coffee in my mug on the way to clark to catch the #22. it's in my old neighborhood, my old office, my old house.
what prevents me from mourning this loss is that i am simultaneously looking forward to a new home for my heart. i'm eager for the day that my heart doesn't feel like it leaves when he does at 12:30 in the morning when a simple goodbye takes much longer than it used to when we were "just friends." i could go on .... for your sake, i won't :)
so my heart feels like it has two homes, and neither are right here, right now.
i could probably pray something good and right like, "god help me to be content with the here and now." but instead, i find myself saying something more like this:
"god, i want a friend who keeps the bathroom door open."
i know people grow up and mature and get more private. i know weekend retreats like the one i had in august where all of us girls giggled into the night aren't as likely the older i get, when sleep is precious and necessary to a degree i haven't needed since my mom put me down for naps. i know we have less time for each other as we make more commitments, take more classes, pile on more responsibilities.
maybe i'll never get that intimacy again, when someone's day was so important to share that the power of the bladder couldn't stop her from continuing her story. for the first time in my life, there aren't girls angling to get closer to the mirror to apply mascara or moving me out of the way to spit toothpaste in the sink. there are no moments when i'm telling a story in the kitchen and have to sit in the hallway near the bathroom to finish up while erin pees (i was trying to avoid the actual word, but it is what it is, people). it's those little things that - when the drama disappears - i discover at the foundation of my relationship with my girlfriends.
i guess this was really just to thank you, kat. for our conversation, for your friendship, and, well, for leaving the bathroom door open. i miss you.
Labels: love
Hmm.. great post Mary.
You know I was never a bathroom sharer, at least not when the toilet was in use, but this makes me think also how wonderful the communities we build in college and our 20s are and how sad it is to let them go.
Sometimes I think I would really like to buy a big house and have a bunch of couples live in it. Actually, they wouldn't have to be couples, but like a commune. I mean, I basically live in one right now, and we have a great time even when I'm using my second language.
In my ideal commune, we would all have our own space, there would need to be at least a couple bathrooms, but then you would share the kitchen and living areas with others. Everyone would still have their busy lives, but those down times, you could spend together, if you wanted.
I think it would be wonderful. Besides, going in together with others to buy property gets a lot more for a lot less! =)
Hi. I wish I wasn't so good. Cause I'm one that seeks that contentment in lonely places sometimes - like coming to Albania - but I know somehow I'll find the fulness in the end. I was silly tonight - I texted a girl (well, she's married and has two little kids who are great buddies of mine!) to ask if I could pop round in the morning to pick up my bike. It was silly cause - I should just go round... not worry - 'am I welcome to just go round?' I'm way to insecure sometimes. These people have been so free and good and nice to me. I just want to be free and friendly and 'home' with the people I'm around. I'm keeping on believing that intimacy grows intimacy. Yeah - so praise the Lord that you give up the right and proper and have your heart in the bathroom with the girls! Love ya! Beth x
(by the way your Chicago life sounds really fun!! Your heart will find its way home some new place and some new time. Loads of memories and favorite things ahead!)
oh mary, you're definitely someone i'd leave to door open for. My new roomies are awesome, but i feel like I have to be so careful about getting too personal with them. Not sure if its them or me who has the problem. I liked this post a lot because I'm learning how to be at home in new surroundings too. Chicago's not the same since I left and came back, but I think I like it better now - except that you're not here, of course. Miss you.
mary- i love the post, i feel your post, and also the opposite... i'm in chicago missing madison- but, wow, do I understand missing that home, that group of girlfriends, that life of late night talks and the days of sharing a bathroom
sometimes i wish i could go back to living with the five girls i lived with all of college, but they are scattered around the country now and being married means trading in any opportunities for living in a house full of girlfriends...
but there is something so amazing about living in a house of close friends... they become family. the most amazing bonds are shared when you spend the most mundane moments together (throwing that undistinguishable object out from the back of your fridge, brushing your teeth together, rummaging through each other's closets because you haven't done wash and they have...)
hopefully you'll have that again. it's something i almost regret not having myself... but for now i'm learning that you can talk to a husband through a bathroom doorway, too ;)
I miss you tons Mary. Sharing strong coffee, laughing at the faces I make in the mirror every morning, convincing you that yes those shoes really do work with that skirt, spelling out entire c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n-s, sharing a meal of cheese, crackers and wine at 5:30 in the afternoon while we watch Everybody Loves Raymond, making my beer face and being nervous that someone will call me out on it, finishing the wine around 10pm while rocking out to The Killers in our living room, and doing it all over again the next day...
There's a level of comfort that only girlfriends can create for one another. Discovering it is so fantastic, and letting go of it is nearly impossible.
My bathroom door is always open :)
I love you dearly.
Hey Mary,
Just wanted to say - your last comment on my blog was one of the coolest things anybody has ever said to me... Ta - as they say in Scotland.
Love, Beth
ps - hows the quilting going?
mary, i have been out of the blogging world for quite some time now, and only after reading this post have i realised how much i've missed your incredible writing and life stories.
i know we've never met (but boy, we came close once, didn't we?) :) but i believe you are such an amazing person.
i feel so privileged to be able to read what you have to openly, so honestly, so beautifully...
Hey Mary - could I send you my prayer letter via email? My email address is linked to through my profile. If you don't feel like getting any more monthly attachment things - no worries!!
See ya,
Beth x
i haven't looked at blog for months, but i'm glad i did today. you make me smile, miss mary. i love you and miss both of you girls. i'll be sure that if ever i'm around you, in a home, without males around, the door will be open when i'm using the toliet. but i'm still not a fan of sharing the sink while brushing teeth. i'm excited to see you tomorrow.
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