Tuesday, October 12, 2004

escapist music

i come into work. i get settled. i make my phone calls. and just before i begin my e-work, i tune into my radio station. rated songs compete with one another to line up for my musical enjoyment. and i am well pleased.

this morning alone, my soul has thrilled to the music of five of the best songs ever written, sung, performed - you name it. these are the kind of songs that you can listen to at any moment of any day, the kind that distract you completely, the kind that steal your soul away to a place you can only see when you close your eyes.

poughkeepsie- otr
damn, i wish i was your lover - sophie b hawkins
satisfied mind - jeff buckley
fade into you - mazzy star

sweet thing - van morrison

go find these tunes and steal away, steal away.


At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've put poughkeepsie on a number of mixes, though not at all recently. That album in general...yea...mhmm...good. My old roommate in Germany used to abuse Mazzy Star on his box. I ended up taking to some of it. So yea, that's me relating to your tastes. lol

This was on launch, right? I've been using realrhapsody thru the UofMinn. Twenty-four bigs ones gives me a year's worth of access to all their 700,000+ tracks, plus playlists, radio stations (preprogrammed and custom), etc. Granted, I sound like an advert now...but oh well, my roommate and I think it's pretty sweet.


At 3:49 PM, Blogger Mary said...

while we're at it, i'd like to thank the following other sponsors:

gatorade - seriously, you know how much espn history i'm learning by drinking their limited edition fruit punches?

added incentives - do you know how many exciting (albeit useless) gadgets i receive during the course of a year from the company trying to win my favor?

office depot - there is no three-hole punch like a three-hole punch from office depot

volkswagen - thanks for getting my dad to my house safely!

and finally, many thanks to the color green. not only do you look good and inviting to people who visit my site, but you also have proven your worth as a compliment-inducer when worn. good job, green!


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