Friday, February 18, 2005

hinting at fulfillment

it's taken me awhile, but i finally got to hear diana krall. how have i not heard her before? ridiculous. granted the first song i'm hearing is her cover of billy joel's "just the way you are," but it is beautiful to me this morning. it fits my mood.
really ...

this morning, i woke up feeling glorious. the kind of glorious when your insides feel alive and the air you breathe smells clean and your body feels 15 lbs lighter than it did the day before. i woke up in the middle of the bed, limbs sprawled out in all directions, snuggled into the second skin of my jersey sheets and felt like i owned the world. i took a deep breath, letting my chest be pulled up to the sky by an imaginary string, closed my eyes and let the early morning blue light rest on my face. oh, i felt alive. i felt ready. i felt glorious.

i pushed off the covers, stepped lightly onto the hardwood floors, crossed the hallway to kat's room, pushed open her door and exclaimed, "it's friday! it's beautiful outside! i love it!"

now, i don't know if i'd call myself a morning person, but there's something about the dawn that dusk lacks. i wish i could find out what it really is. do i feel more hopeful in the morning than at night? do i feel like more is possible? i don't know. and maybe it's just the sun. my favorite part of the day may just be when the sun wakes up so early in the summer. there's nothing like that.

it pulls my favorite dream to the forefront of my mind, of what i imagine heaven will be for me ... all of my closest friends spending a night around the campfire, listening to someone fiddle on the guitar, people loving each other unconditionally, unafraid, seeking jesus' heart, stars shining brighter than they ever have, staying up all night and holding a nutty cup of coffee while watching the sun come up. i imagine it more real than anything, so i think it must be a dream just waiting to be fulfilled in heaven. i imagine it is the dream god planted in my heart so he could reveal it to me someday when we're together in person, when i can see him in his real form, next to me, around me, in me, about me, everywhere, omnipresent, and felt in a way i couldn't comprehend on earth with my limited mind.

with Him, with you, this dream feels like a hint at the fulfillment of all the hopes and expectations and dreams and desires i've had on this earth. it will be you and me and Him and all of us finally complete. finally at peace. finally glorious.


At 9:19 AM, Blogger 357martini said...

Buber is one of my fav philosophers and Dave Brubek is question...why is it that only females understand that no one is an island-the Buber comment...I struggle with the idea all the time... that if people could realize their interconnectivity things could change....
just blogging

At 11:20 AM, Blogger jenn said...

i always like the dawn because its a confirmed monotony-hater, I enjoy the feeling that I have a fresh start, even if its on a Monday, because with the fading of the light, a little more life slips away...its a little more time I know I've probably wasted thinking about what to do with the rest of my time. Cheers.

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Mary said...

jem, "trimandfashionable" is such a good title. thanks for commenting. i'm looking forward to reading your blog this week.

i stayed away from the computer all weekend long, until just last night. i kept wanting to check my email, read blogs, etc., but it was a test of my will to resist and sit quietly. even harder was not turning on any music. oh, so much to blog about ... look for another posting later tonight.

mr.spookyoptics, i hear you on the interconnectivity vibe. right on.

and jenn, seriously, what are you doing this week? want to get coffee after work?

At 6:46 AM, Blogger jenn said...

Yes, please. I feel like I am always at school or work (funny how its the same place...sometimes not so funny) Wednesday or Thursday?

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Mary said...

sweet, jem. am excited to read it :)

jenn, thursday it is. what time do you get off work? want to say 5ish or so?

At 11:27 AM, Blogger jenn said...

perfect, i get off at 4:30


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