Monday, April 18, 2005

by the numbers

a monday morning perspective:

1 cup of coffee bought after making a promise to myself not to buy any coffee this morning
1 nick drake cd downloaded to my i-tunes (thank you, co-worker)
2 people i've "killed" off in the magazine i put together for work
3 germans and 1 american who stayed at our place this weekend
3 guys who gave me the cold shoulder this morning at breakfast
4 pimples i notice before anything else when i look in the mirror
7 pieces of chocolate remaining in my desktop candy jar
10 minutes it currently takes me to run a mile
20 quarters i lost on 2 loads of laundry yesterday
23 hours before i leave for DC

179 dollars i spent on clothing this weekend after a nearly two-month shopping hiatus
20178 days left on earth if i make it to my 80th birthday
1 prayer of inexpressible thanks that god is bigger than me
countless echoed amens.


At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Germans? DC?? No coffee?!?! Barga! Your life is truly madness. Call me. I'm lonely in my mansion.


At 9:04 AM, Blogger Laura said...

I am not sure whether that is depressing or hopeful =). I know about every other day I start to think about how much money I would save in a year if I didn't buy $3 coffees several times a week. But then I realize I'm not really going to give up coffee anytime too soon, so I just stop calculating. A vicious circle. Have a good day Mary =)

At 9:13 AM, Blogger allan said...

1. it wasn't the cold shoulder.... you caught us in the middle of some very sincere guy talk. That's all. 2. i would have bought you coffee had you been willing to break from your Starbucks-lovin-self and supported our neighborhood breakfast spot. 3. I'll join you in that prayer of inexpressible thanks.

It's going to be a great week!

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Mary said...

i'll lean on the hopeful side, laura. yesterday was so freaking awesome - good church, good brunch conversation, good journaling time, good reading (finished hannah hurnard's book again - it's so beautiful!!!), good music (dave brubeck, george winston and hits of '95), good sunshine, good card games, good key lime bars, good roommate time, good scrabble score, good sleep.

and if we're promised that it gets better than this, i'm certainly hopeful :)

At 11:40 AM, Blogger erin said...

i hope i see you before you leave for DC. its been what, 42 days since our last conversation? i love you. (and if we don't get to hang out tonight, have a wonderful trip.)

At 5:36 PM, Blogger None Atall said...

Aah, Miss Mary, you are clever and thoughtful. I like what you get out of life. I like that you get it. Somedays it may be more brilliant than others, but all the same you live it.


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