Tuesday, November 30, 2004

cramming thoughts, spacing out plans

tuesday evening, 6:53 p.m.

there are quite a few things on my mind tonight. the thrill of recognizing the criticality (or criticalness, i just like the way criticality sounds even if it isn't a word) of an old friendship and how it got me to where i am, the joy of being busy at my job and feeling like i'm really earning my paycheck, the frustration of relationship tension, the consideration of what exactly 2 weeks of vacation back home is going to look like ... and then little things like, if you did put a mirror over your TV, what would your reflection look like while you were watching that little box? or, is anyone else realizing that the new U2 cd is just not that outstanding? and, why do i still have these really oddly timed desires to break out in an angry-with-the-world-but-loving-all-the-people ani/avril song? i thought that was just a high school phase ...

anyhow, my mind is full of way too many things. i tried to digest them all in my journal last night, but that just kept me up late. so late that my tall latte didn't do a thing to wake me up this morning. my colleague said today that it's considered relatively healthy to drink up to 16 ounces of caffeine every day. i figure i'm at about that. so i should be healthy. and i figure, i walk to the bus and home from the el every day and that's got to be about 30 minutes of exercise. and just because my dinner consisted of pita bread and hummus, chicken fingers with mustard and a piece of pumpkin pie, well ... i've covered the bread and beans food group, the vegetables, and fruit? hmm, if mustard comes from a seed, and fruits often have seeds, then that should count, right? as far as dairy goes, i'm lactose intolerant, so i'm forgiven on that account.

lame blog, i know. i had all these great intentions. ugh, i feel like that's so much my life. so many great intentions and such little follow-through. man, i'd probably make a really bad president. okay, so i'll scratch that off my list of "things to do before 40." all that's left, then, is to serve on a school board and to walk/bike across the states. not bad. 2 goals? i've got 16 years.

maybe we should start placing bets now ...


At 6:12 AM, Blogger Mary said...

first off, it's not a BAD album, it's just not an AWESOME album.

secondly, i am giving up drinking lattes for awhile, adam. too expensive. i even woke myself up last night thinking about money (actually, for the third night in the row, i had a dream about people milling about it my room looking for a place to sleep - can someone explain that??)

At 7:24 AM, Blogger erin said...

i agree. U2 album = not awesome.
i think your dinner was spectacular mary. keep up the good work, variety is the spice of life.

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Adam said...

I love your good intentions...and I totally resonate with your post...why are you so smart!?

Adam Griffin

PS. I've never really liked U2...sorry...I just never thought they were AMAZING! and seriously..."How Long, How long must they sing that song! How Lo-o-o-ong!"

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Laura said...

I found my brand new shiny U2 cd in the mail last night when I got home and was just now headed to the car to run some errands and crank it up when I read your blog and saw your disappointed review. I have to say, you have deflated my balloon for the day. But anyway, I'm going to buy my very own first Christmas tree!!! I can't believe how excited I am to have and decorate my own Christmas tree!? In my house?! That I own?! Sort of, actually, I own about 1/100th of my house, the bank sort of owns the rest, but whatever.. semantics. =)

p.s. I ate a bowl of cereal and a piece of pumpkin bie for breakfast, and I would say more than mustard, pumpkin pie totally counts as fruit.

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Mary said...

what? i deflated your balloon for the day?? check out paul's blog and then you'll see how much some people love the album.

seriously, i DO love U2. they own my favorite song of all time, but this cd ain't the cat's meow.

congrats on your christmas tree. how big is it? ours stands about what? 2, 3 feet? ahh, a baby christmas tree for the baby jesus.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Mary said...

let's try that again ...
paul's blog

At 8:16 AM, Blogger erin said...

bringing it into the double digits. woo hoo!


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