beat it
i love the day before a vacation. it's so close you can taste it. when i close my eyes, i'm already at the beach, breathing the salty air, holding my book and towel in hand, drinking in the rare moment without constant phone ringage or faxes passed over cubicles or fluorescent lightbulbs drowning out natural light. just dreaming about it might keep me up all night.
i will not, i promise, be nervously anticipating my turn at the voting booth. i know which way illinois will vote for the presidential election, for the open senate seat. i know enough to understand that melissa bean will easily win the 8th congressional district spot. i know it matters. and i will watch the votes come in and be counted tomorrow. and the next day. and god knows, we'll probably have a president come christmas just in time for half the country to celebrate their candidate's cheap triumph.
blah. i think if you want change, it's done on a grassroots level.
but i didn't come here to get all political ...
i came here to talk about vacation. respite. holiday. leave. breathing space.
i remember as a kid getting ready to leave for a vacation to the East Coast and being so restless with excitement that i couldn't sleep and walking downstairs to find my mom going over the last minute packing essentials. i loved the anticipation of a van vacation. we'd bring our little suitcases out at the crack of dawn, and my little sister, paula, and i - still small enough to walk around inside the van without having to hunch over - would nab the far backseat, leaving our older sister with a middle bucket seat and what paula and i could only assume were her own assumedly-bizarre pre-teen thoughts (thanks for putting up with us, sarah).
each road trip necessarily began with michael jackson's thriller album in the tape deck, the three of us girls singing "beat it" with an irish accent (don't ask ... because i honestly couldn't tell you why), and ending with a little foot-to-foot bicycle action during the mj/paul mccartney "the girl is mine" hit. to this day, i have vivid recollections of traveling through the mountains in pennsylvania on a sunny day, cycling in the backseat with paula, and taking turns on the ever popular duet:
"Michael, We're not going to fight about this, okay?
Paul, I think I told you, I'm a lover, not a fighter
Because the doggone girl is mine ... "
*side note: name one song that has speaking in it that's NOT a hit. seriously. that's what music is missing these days ... someone get pharrell and chad on the phone*
i loved riding in that van. i loved every minute: when mom would come move to the back and teach us how to play euchre, when we got to take turns riding shotgun so we could keep dad company while mom slept, when we'd stop at mcdonalds for egg mcmuffins (i swear, the ONLY time we ever got mcdonalds - besides fish filet fridays in lent) and take "naps" afterwards at 7 in the morning. i loved it.
and now, well, there's no van, no family members, and i certainly don't think ATA will allow me and shelly the freedom to sock cycle. but at least one thing will be the same ...
at least one song playing through my headphones will be sung in my head with an irish accent. because, i promise you, it's not a vacation without a little irrrish. otherwise, you're doing it all arseways.
off to pack ... and find that thriller tape.
Honestly Mary, you're just so witty. You have such tremendous writing ability I just can't stand it. I mean seriously I wake up every morning praying, "Lord please make me more like Mary, I want to be perfect too."
Your Humble Servant
Wow, the comments are becoming so reverential... anyway, great memories, unfortunately my memories of car trips involved a lot of being extremely irritated at my little brother... happy voting day all =)
Yea, wow, Mary--your cult following continues to grow. Might wanna put up a PayPal button so you can cash in on all the worshipers you have.
my roommies and i voted this morning at the crack of dawn and then had coffee at this sweet little cafe avanti. as i walked to the bus stop afterwards, contemplating my punches on the ballot, realizing the weight of consequence our votes carry, i was overcome with delight that we have the FREEDOM to vote.
indeed, laura, happy voting to all!
okay, and seriously, i'm not cashing in on anything. i PAY these complimentary commentors to make me look popular.
i guess they just went overboard. and now, my cover is blown. i suppose that's good because i'm fresh out of cash. what do you think i can get for a bottle of ft. lauderdale sand in a snapple jar?
i can hear erik's british accent as he speaks reverently to "your majesty" and i... i laugh having been thrown into a fit of hilarium.
my friends are so dang funny.
mary, i never got my check for all those compliments i've paid you. or do all my sarcastic and insensitive comments void them out, thus making me even? hum...
glad to stand in line with you and kat this morning. its nice to have someone to talk to when you wait in long lines.
glorious day to you all!
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