Tuesday, November 02, 2004

makin' the grade

before the semester ends, let's take a look at what's earning a 4.0 and what "needs improvement":

voting was fun this morning. first time i'd done it in person. exciting. satisfactory marks for wait-line time and low marks for cramped conditions. excellent marks for the number of people in our neighborhood who turned out to vote that early.

cafe avanti and the friendly lawyer owner lady get high marks for atmosphere and latte quality.

erin gets high marks for braving the early morning and joining me and kat for some quality time.

high marks also go to my college freshmen alumni who politely call me ms barga and rsvp as requested on their pizza party invitations.
in fact, let's give excellent marks to everyone who rsvps to anything as requested. it's a lost art, people, and it's time to bring back some decorum.

low marks to my red sweater for shedding all over my clean black pants.

high marks to kat for temporarily fixing the hem on said black pants.

the cafeteria staff receives satisfactory marks today for the ham and cheese croissant which was a little too toasted, but receives excellent marks for yesterday's green bean and sauteed mushroom medley.

hilarious marks to ryan beiler, on staff with sojourners, who writes a wicked election day satire (don't get sojo mail? email me and i'll send you a copy of his article today).

high marks also to new order for the song "bizarre love triangle."

finally, high marks for vacation days. florida, here i come.

what's making the grade in your world?


At 10:39 PM, Blogger Dan said...

it's not quite for sure yet, but barring a gigantic miracle, america gets an F!

not so intelligent man, bad war, bad foreign relations, bad economy...but what the hell. let's re-elect him anyway. seriously, this is a sad day for america. as a political scientist, and a christian, i really don't know what to say. so disheartening. it just makes no sense. :(


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