Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Newsmap Surfing & More

Had to post. Was looking at Pete and Lindsay's blog and saw this site highlighted. You must take a look at this Newsmap. I've been surfing the site a bit and am a bit overwhelmed, but glad for it.

Newsmap writes that it "provides a tool to divide information into quickly recognizable bands which, when presented together, reveal underlying patterns in news reporting across cultures and within news segments in constant change around the globe.Newsmap does not pretend to replace the googlenews aggregator. It's objective is to simply demonstrate visually the relationships between data and the unseen patterns in news media. It is not thought to display an unbiased view of the news, on the contrary it is thought to ironically accentuate the bias of it."

Take a look when you get a second.

And then after that, visit Lark News. Seriously, this article is off the hook.


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