my russia in snapshots

while the students were in committee, i climbed to the top of the bell tower of smolny cathedral (left). i had intentions of taking wonderfully artsy photographs, but the wind is so strong there at the top, that my fingers froze on the buttons and i simply snapped as quickly as i could before rushing down the shaky iron staircase.
it's unreal, really, how beautiful it was up there.
before leaving for moscow on thursday afternoon, we visited the czars' summer palace. one of the rooms (here at right) is available to be rented out, though one can only guess at the price. elton john played for royalty in this room laced with pure gold once upon a time, so i imagine it's not readily accessible to your average joe eager

fortunately, after WWII when the nazis had come through and pilfered much of the gold, the russians were able to return the excessive and dramatic decorations to the original summer palace appearance. the palace is extraordinary in its showiness and is complete with a room whose walls are decorated entirely with amber. jaw-dropping, indeed.
st. petersburg i'd compare a lot to beijing, the same way i'd compare moscow to shanghai. st. petersburg feels older, more laid back, more focused on academics and history. moscow feels busy, feels constantly changing. but then you visit the kremlin, and there in red square, you see before you the incredible st. basil's cathedral (below left) commissioned by ivan the terrible and built between 1555 and 1561, and you must pinch yourself to believe you are actually seeing this thing, live and in person. legend has it that on completion of the church, the tsar ordered the architect to be blinded to prevent him from ever creating anything to rival its beauty again.

i expected so little from russia. what a fool i am. i cannot wait to go back.
Wow, Mary. Well welcome back to the States. I'm awed by your photos, and eager to hear more about your trip. I'm so happy that your time in Russia far exceeded - blew away - your expectations. What a gift. Thanks for passing on the gift to those of us wanna-be world travelers.
Love you.
Hey Mary, so glad to see some pics with your description and also happy to see how much you enjoyed your experience.. talk soon.
Beautiful pics, Mary! Glad to hear your trip was incredible--can't wait to hear (and see) more!
Pictures are always good. Thanks for having them and sharing. Those buildings (inside and out) look unreal! And I am jealous for your trip, Russia sounds cool.
oh my gosh, those pictures DO look unreal--i mean, seriously, they look like illustrations in a fictional story about a magical place. wow.
i can't wait to read (and see) more!! :)
Hey Mary,
That's great. Love seeing the photos and hearing how you see what you saw! You'd make a good travel writer! My favorite line I think is "i expected so little from russia. what a fool i am." It's so true - we expect so little from other parts of the world, from other people - places and people who we know little about make us think we will be lacking somthing there - in fact there is a world of amazement instead. Good to hear your tales!
i'm posting soon. i promise. can't believe i'm slowing down to once a week. yikes. i'm getting old.
Ah, getting "old" is it? I don't know, sis, this slippage in revealing your personal life via the web is question provoking. Have you crossed a line? Have you suddenly become more private? Are you so full of meaningful activity apart from blogging that writing about it has become unsatisfying? :)
Post whenever you want. I'll check back. Much love! Chris
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