Friday, December 10, 2004

katherine paige

friday morning, 8:01 a.m.

happy birthday to my beautiful roommate, kat! this morning, erin and i crept into kat's room at 5:50 a.m. with a candle in some coffeecake and a cold vanilla frappuccino and sang a little happy birthday ditty to our newly 24-year-old north carolinian roommate. it was the most fun.

seriously can't wait for the weekend. tonight, a few of us are going out to the mason jennings concert at schubas (where over the rhine will be next week, ahem, in case anyone needs to get tickets yet) where of course we will celebrate kat yet again. joyous.

i love birthdays. i love being able to celebrate someone's life. i love when you see someone's face light up. and it's so easy with kat. i admire her so much - the way she moved to the city not knowing anyone, left her friends and family back home in NC, and - bam! - just made her way to chicago and settled herself in. she fully wows me. and the things about her character i love? oh, so many! her willingness to try new things, put herself in uncomfortable situations,
her sense of humor and silliness, her honesty, her perseverance, her fashion sense, her cooking, (okay, so not so much traits of character, but you know what i mean), her laugh (hee hee), her patience - man, i am so happy that God made Kat!!

so happy birthday, babe. enjoy your day - this is gonna be the best year yet.

and p.s. to everyone else - if it isn't your bday, you should celebrate like it is anyhow. have a very merry unbirthday :)


At 8:26 AM, Blogger erin said...

love love love.
indeed a very happy bday to miss katherine hudson.
YES!!! so glad that God put the three of us together. He knows, He knows what he's doing.
sad that i won't be with you tonight, but tomorrow baby... we will celebrate like you can only imagine. (smiles, big smiles.)

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Mary said...

and a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to miss erin on her recent job offer. man, my girls are the cooooolest.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Mary said...

today is a good day. i have to share. i feel i'm grinning ear to ear, not because i'm imagining how good things COULD be, but because i see these things happening all around me - things with kat, erin, my sister paula, and more - that fill my soul just as they are. in the present. today.

that whole cup overfloweth thing? yeah. amen to that.

At 11:02 AM, Blogger yoomi said...

Mary mary mary!!!
Oh my. So someone told me that you had written a comment on that poor blog site that I never do...hee hee. So maybe I'll do one now. Anyways, we shall get together when you are available. I am in crunch time since I am back in school! But shoot me an email -

Cannot wait chica!
Ciao bella!

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Adam said...

Did Mason play "Butterfly" ? I LOVE that song!

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Mary said...

he did, he did. what a song.

of course, mason is a guitar genius. sliding the strings with a beer bottle? amazing. can't wait to see him again. and his bassist, chris morrissey.

hmmm, i do love bassists.


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