Interview Game
Well, Teresa, Jem and Melissa have done it. And I couldn't resist either ...
Here are the official rules of the interview game:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
6. I will answer reasonable follow up questions if you leave a comment.
Here are my answers. Enjoy!
1. If you could sum yourself up in only three words, what would they be?
Energetic, emotional, honest
2. What is one favorite line from each of your top 3 favorite movies of all time? And why?
"I will find you" - Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis) to Miss Cora Munro (Madeline Stowe) in The Last of the Mohicans
Why? (warning: if you hate girlishness, turn away now) because there's so much passion between them and then he has to leave her at this part, and it's so awful, it's like ripping two souls that belong together away from each other. but his one line - oh! and it's coupled with the way he looks at her, like he would never take his eyes off her, like she's his very heart - when he says "I will find you." Oooh, shivers up my spine. I have to stop writing about it now before I get myself all worked up.
"Double or nothing?" - Q (Omar Epps) to Monica (Sanaa Lathan) in Love and Basketball
Why? It's more the music at this scene in the movie that pulls everything together. It's this tough guy, Q, who knows at his core that he loves this woman, Monica. And you see - in all his toughness of 'yeah, I'm fine without her' - that he finally shows this side that honestly expresses how scared he is to live his life without her. Up to this point in the movie, Spike Lee makes you feel like Monica, like your own heart is on the line, and then Q's words ... *sigh* I mean, the movie is incredible. There was a point in my life that I really identified with this movie, so maybe that's why I love it so much, but it's so incredibly poignant, so fully engaging. This is a must-see.
"Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane." Red (Morgan Freeman) to Andy (Tim Robbins) in The Shawshank Redemption. And later, in a letter from Andy to Red, "Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies."
Why? Everyone loves Shawshank, I think, so there's really no reason I'd have to explain it, but these two lines together I love the most. Not only does it show how well they've listened - really listened - to each other, but it breathes life on what has been considered dead. I love that.
3. What moves you? i.e. What are you passionate about? (Loaded question, I know.)
Wow, and I thought #2 was hard :) Well, in a nutshell, I'd say I love people (love the depths of their hearts the most, love what makes them laugh with so much joy their tummies hurt, love what makes them cry even if people are around) and music (the kind that makes it feel like the notes just grab your soul, make you lose yourself) and civil rights rhetoric (esp. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I've been to the mountaintop") and, yep, God - for reasons words will fall short of.
4. Regular socks or toed socks?
Regular!! And the more unique, the better.
5. If you won the lottery (say 1 million) what would you do with it?
I swear I'm not trying to cop out on an answer, but I'd honestly have to pray about it. But I'd probably have to send it out of the country where it can do more ... but I'd also want to invest it in the Chicago neighborhoods that need it ... but at the same time, I really would like to pull up the tile/linoleum crap in our kitchen and put in wood floors ... decisions, decisions.
Want to play? Leave a comment and let me know. And thanks for the good questions, Teresa!
interview me
okay, allan.
1) if you could ask god for an explanation of one thing NOT pertaining to your own immediate life, what would it be? explain.
2) would you rather live in an ant farm as a human with an average intelligence in an ant body with the knowledge that somewhere in the ant farm of a gazillion ants there's someone else out there who's also a human in an ant body OR only be able to squack and repeat what your neighbors say like a parakeet and have no real intelligence but also be aware that you could know more? why?
3) what do your friends say are your 5 most wonderful qualities?
4) if you had to embrace a song as your life anthem, which would you pick and why?
5) someone chooses to write a detailed biography of your life - by writing the exact opposite. detail the opposite life in three stages: childhood, teen years, and your 20s.
I love the way you described how you love people....and music too. It truly is a wonderful feeling when music is capable of bringing about so many emotions....even when they are sad emotions. Something about music to me, is such a mysterious thing......there is a healing element to it and i can't help but speculate that this was an intentional act on God's part....who knows really though...
I imagine the next world as a place that swims in music....or at least that is what my heaven would look like if I had a choice in the matter. :)
So, tell me about your response to the lottery question where you said: "But I'd probably have to send it out of the country where it can do more ..."
Do you have a specific country/organization/project in mind that you would send it to?
I ask this because I'm an ignoramus when it comes to foreign issues (i admit) but I'm currently working on expanding my horizons on world issues.....
Thanks for answering my questions! Awesome responses! :)
Hit me. I need some good questions to get me started writing some more.
okay, lets see ...
jon, here are your questions:
1) how is your life different now than you imagined it would be 10 years ago?
2) would you rather be a successful acrobat in the cirque de soleil and suddenly lose your eyesight, but still have to perform as an acrobat in order to make a living because you can't do anything else but risk death OR be totally and completely hairless? why?
3) of all the dreams you have for your life, which one would be the most personally important to see come to fruition? why?
4) think about one of your closest friends. what three qualities does he/she have that make this friendship so unique?
5) you wake up one morning to find yourself in a yurt in central asia. how did you get there and how - using only a plate of bagels, a cd of michael bolton's greatest hits, and a set of silver sporks - do you get back home?
adam, here are yours:
1) if you had to do it all over again, would you rather be the bad-ass, constant-suspension-serving HS teen or the school's drama king, always-gets-the-solos-until-his-senior-year-when-a-freshman-superstar-steals-your-stardom? why?
2) you fall head over heels for a girl who you think is in to you. knowing that this is your chance, describe the perfect date to woo your crush. (okay, so i have been reading teen people magazine. but it was sitting on the couch outside my office! how was i supposed to resist?)
3) you run for president. rate the following things in order of importance to your campaign:
environment, education, housing, transportation, homeland security, homelessness, and religion/government.
4) what's better - italian or greek food? why?
5) identify one characteristic in yourself that you wish more people had. why?
have fun, guys!
teresa, thanks for comment. those were good questions. i really like this game :)
about the orgs abroad ... there's a few i really like: compassion international, african orphans and food for the hungry. but check out sojourners for some good dialogue on international issues. i should post about this next.
i've been so fortunate to travel around europe (thank you mom and dad!!), but have never had a chance to see countries first hand in desparate need. i hope to change that someday. even going to china is going to be a big step for me in seeing a side of the world i can pretend doesn't exist when i'm in my nice, comfy chicago apartment.
man, the world is so complicated!
Okay Maria,
1) Fabulous questions that you come up with. I had to stiffle (sp?) my laughter with my hand so that no one in the computer lab would think that I'm crazy.
2) I don't think that you have to look too far to find a country in desperate need. People here have some major problems. yes, other people do too, but how can we help others when we don't want to help ourselves first?
3) I have planned out what I would do with the money from a lottery -if it was REALLY big. With some of it, I would set up a full-ride scholarship for people in need that found someone new each year to help out. Of course, I would eventually run out of money, so I might ask Oprah to help. If the financial situation for the kid was really bad, I could also help the family (or just that person, depending on the situation) with a few taxes and all that so that they would be able to finish high school and have a chance to get higher education without having to quit simply to survive.
And yes, I have a lot of other plans for the money too. Now if only I would win. I have to buy a ticket first, right?
good thoughts, paula. i completely agree that we have a mess on our hands in this country. i still think one of the most important things in my immediate area is the chicago housing situation. my roommate erin is a great resource of knowledge on this issue. so hard to believe we can't get it right in our own country with so many educated people.
but other countries can't wait for us to pull our act together. more importantly, it's not even about waiting on our country; it's about us as individuals choosing to make a difference now because we see people in need. look at africa alone. they've got more orphans than any other continent. or look at this statistic - you can give $48 which will provide clean drinking water for 10 villages in asia.
if we really are a global community, then we're supposed to serve everyone. it's no longer an us and them thing, right? otherwise, we make possible another genocide like rwanda ... or like what we're NOT doing in darfur.
but paula, i think you're right on with the scholarship. i think education is beneficial when it teaches us to serve others. whether that's through new advancements in engineering or studying history in order to better identify with a culture or what-have-you, i'm fully behind your endowing a scholarship. right on, paula. i hope you DO win the lottery (but keep in mind how much i'd love new floors for my kitchen, too :)
Mary, what a fun game.. interview me too. I need some new material. =)
woohoo, laura!
okay, here are your questions ...
1) if you could only hold on to one photograph for the rest of your life, which one would it be and why?
2) pick one year you'd like to live over again as is. which one is it and why would you choose it?
3) better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? why?
4) what's your favorite memory of living with me and erin in college?
5) what do you most look forward to sharing in your life with fermin?
Mary, I hear what you're saying about other countries and how they have immediate needs that can be filled by just a few things that we all take for granted in our country. However, I think that we continue to take our country for granted and the fact that we're supposed to be one of, if not THE, richest country in the world even while we acknowledge all of the material things that we are able to have.
I have to think economically a bit. The U.S. dollar is used by many countries in their reserves (I think that's the right category-it's been a while) which takes the dollar out of the country, along with tourists who spend American money outside of the country. All this and other factors added together means that our country is going to get poorer and poorer because we think that we have all this money to give out, but don't seem to realise that there is a finite amount. We may eventually be too poor to even help ourselves and have to depend on the help of others. That doesn't work too well now, how well would that work in the future?
If anyone is a business person and knows that I am horribly wrong, please correct me. We have to deal with our own pride and the objects in our own eyes first.
Damn, I sound cold.
I just watched "Hotel Rwanda"......damn that's cold!
I see what both of you guys are's tough trying to figure out the "right" answer. For someone new (unfortunately) to global issues....I don't see that there is only one right answer....
I think we all forget that as individuals we can make a difference.....
Hmmmm....difficult though....
good point, teresa. i feel like, paula, you've got a lot of energy that you'd be willing to pour into caring for the city you live in, the country you live in. and that's SO important. even if we disagree on budgeting issues, i fully back you in wanting to make a difference. you've always got my support. cause i love you, friend :)
Mi hermana,
Te amo tambien!
La cosa mas importante, more than what to do with funds, is that people actually acknowledge the problem. Without being aware of what goes on around you, how can we know what issues need help? (Oops. sorry, Mary, I just deleted a long tangent-it had too much ranting ^_^ )
Anyway, thanks for the backup! I got your back too!
Stumbled randomly across your blog, and I like it. I'd take an interview.
alright, mr. hawk. glad you asked ... here's what i've got for you.
1) what character in what novel do you feel you most personally identify with? why?
2) why did you choose teaching as a profession? haw long have you been teaching and what would you be doing if you weren't?
3) what are your top three most prized possessions?
4) would you rather be deported from the US, never to return again OR only be able to travel within a 50 mile radius of where you live now? why?
5) if you had to pick lyrics from three different songs to best describe YOU to an unfamiliar audience, which lyrics from which songs would you pick?
... and since i don't you well and am not sure if music is even of great interest to you or if any of the other questions might be unanswerable, i'll give you an alternative question: what have been some of the biggest joys of your life in the past 2 years?
Thanks Mary. Good questions, and they made me think. Really, you can call me just Brandon, though... the other name is too formal, so I changed my profile name (formerly B. W. Hawk).
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