three day weekends
time for a new blog. i don't know if it's best to spend my time recapping my wonderful weekend or contemplating the innumerable mysteries of the universe or sharing follow-up from my last entry.
honestly i haven't been much in the blogging mood lately. because all i want to do these days is spend every free moment outside ... or as close to outside as possible. saturday, some friends and i went canoeing and spent the entire day outside, BBQing, playing frisbee, etc. it wasn't exactly warm (i spent the latter part of the afternoon cuddled up on my friend jenn's lap), but i couldn't bear to be inside. it's spring! and if memorial day weekend in chicago is gonna be rainy and cold, i'm gonna enjoy it. that's just how it has to be.
monday, a few of us went to a white sox game at comiskey park (fine, fine, u.s. cellular field). it was the most gorgeous day. it didn't matter that we were in the shade staring across at people basking in the heat of the sun. we were outside watching baseball, eating kosher hot dogs, laughing and telling stories. that's simply a good time no matter how you look at it.
i wish we had more three day weekends. at least two every month. it only seems right. i feel much more productive after a three day weekend. i actually get to clear my head. i actually get to relax. what good is a weekend when you're already dreading saturday becoming sunday becoming monday all too quickly? with three days, you get your chores done, you run your errands and then you really take a sabbath. you get to enjoy people. you get to sit outside with a cup of hot chocolate and chat with your roommates on your front stoop. three day weekends would solve a lot of the world's problems, i think. if we could just learn to rest ... maybe we'd make smarter decisions, learn to care for people more than we care for ourselves, spend time looking at the world and thinking about its Creator, make healthier meals, sleep heavier, breathe deeper. i have to stop here. if i keep going down this path, i'm gonna convince myself that i DO need to take over the world and reorganize it. i need to channel this energy elsewhere. probably need to make my way to the gym after work now and go for a run. decompress. breathe. think. relax.